MEGA SHOW PART 1, October 20-23, 2013 and MEGA SHOW PART 2, October 27-29, 2013 will be ready to open their doors during the last two weeks of October. These two influential trade shows are the main sourcing focus for gifts, housewares, toys, premiums and stationery in Hong Kong during the annual autumn buying season and must-attend events in the Southern China sourcing calendar.
Over 4000 worldwide suppliers from 36 countries will be participating and presenting new ranges and products to worldwide importers, distributors, wholesalers and trade buyers. Both new and established suppliers from Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Mainland China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Latvia, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Pakistan, The Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, U.A.E, U.K., U.S.A. and Vietnam will be on show.
With the increasing economic shift towards the East, more and more international suppliers are now using these trade shows to expand their Asian customer base. This year, well over 500 new exhibiting companies are taking part in the shows, many from outside Asia. In addition, over 500 suppliers will be displaying eco-friendly products as part of the GO GREEN campaign, as designers and manufacturers in Asia reflect the importance of sustainability and the expanding requirement to include GO GREEN products across all sectors of consumer retail goods.
MEGA SHOW PART 1 will present 7 major product sectors, gifts, housewares and home decor, christmas, festive and seasonal, toys and games + baby and child, glassware trends, giftwrap and packaging, along with Asia and international focus which includes international suppliers presenting a diverse selection of gifts and homewares.
MEGA SHOW PART 2 with exhibitors from 11 countries will present four major product sectors, gifts, home decor and outdoor living, home textiles and housewares, plus Asian stationery with over 200 companies displaying the best of Asian print, pen and paper, as well as office and school supplies.
Over 57,000 buyers attended the shows in 2012, with the growing attendance of buying power from emerging markets. The two shows take place annually at the downtown Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wanchai, Hong Kong.
来源: Mega Expo (Hong Kong) ed
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